Anglo-Saxon sword pommel cap, Scalford, AD 500-700.
Anglo-Saxon silver-gilt mount with fabulous beasts, Dalby, AD 700-800.
Welby Late Bronze Age Hoard.
Copper Age gold Beaker basket ornaments, Gilmorton, 2,500-2,000 BC.
Silver Roman coins from the Twycross Hoard, AD 117-253.
Silver Medieval buckle, Nevill Holt. A very fine, high status item.
Silver Thor's hammer pendant, Thurcaston. Worn by devotees of the Norse god Thor, AD 850-925.
The Rothley Hoard - Late Bronze Age copper alloy axe hoard comprising axe mould for a Welby type axe, two socketed axes and a Middle Bronze Age palstave axe. 1,000-800 BC.