The Hallaton Helmet, silver-gilt repoussé over iron, early 1st century AD. The helmet's brow guard features an imposing female bust flanked by lions.
Roman helmet cheekpiece, known as 'Cheekpiece 1', depicting an emperor riding victoriously above a defeated enemy. The goddess Victory flies behind him.
Roman helmet cheekpiece, known as 'Cheekpiece 2', depicting an emperor riding victoriously above a defeated enemy. The goddess Victory flies behind him.
Silver bowl, early 1st century AD. One of the earliest surviving examples of British silversmithing .
Gold and silver Iron Age and Roman coins.
Copper alloy tankard handle fragment, probably from a large wooden tankard with metal attachments.
Silver-gilt mount, early 1st century AD. Despite being damaged this mount was re-riveted to enable it to be used before being carefully buried at Hallaton.