The Bosworth Battlefield Collection

The tiny (29mm long) silver-gilt Bosworth Boar Badge may mark where King Richard made his last stand. The boar was the symbol of Richard III's household. The fact that it is gilded silver suggests it would have been worn by a high ranking person, close to the King. It was recovered from the site identified as the marsh where Richard is said to have been cut down in battle.
Late Medieval silver-gilt livery badge in the form of an eagle. Kevin Schürer (University of Leicester) believes that it is a fettered falcon and is part of the livery of Arthur Plantagenet. He was the illegitimate son of King Edward IV, and the falcons head facing right (the wrong way) is a symbol of illegitimacy. Edward IV was king before his brother Richard and was the father of the princes in the tower. There is no record of Arthur being present at Bosworth, but he could have been of fighting age, being born between 1461 and 75 - or perhaps one of his close household fought in his place?