Encompassing objects and records relating to thousands of years of human activity.

The Hallaton Treasure
Thousands of gold and silver coins, Roman cavalry helmet parts, animal remains and artefacts from a native ritual site buried in the decades either side of the Roman conquest

The Bosworth Battlefield Collection
A collection of artefacts discovered during the Bosworth Battlefield Survey

Medieval Coal Mining
A fascinating collection which sheds light on the earliest coal mining in Britain

Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries
Leicestershire’s Anglo-Saxon cemeteries have been investigated by both antiquarians and more recent professional archaeologists

Prehistoric Stone & Flint Tools
A broad collection of tools dating from the Palaeolithic to Early Bronze Age, discovered as chance finds and via archaeological excavation

Treasure Finds
A fabulous array of Treasure finds that can inform us about the status, rituals, religion, fashion and technological expertise of Leicestershire’s past communities from the Copper Age to the Post-Medieval period

Archaeological Archive Deposition
Leicestershire Museums are the repository for archaeological archives resulting from fieldwork in the county of Leicestershire (excluding the City of Leicester and Rutland)
We hold archaeological archives resulting from excavations, fieldwalking, metal detecting and chance finds across the county. Visit Archaeological Archives Deposition for details of how to deposit with us.
Accessing the Archaeology Collections
The archaeology collections are available to study. To discuss arranging a visit please contact us at
If you have discovered an archaeological artefact and would like it to be identified and recorded please contact Megan Gard, the Portable Antiquities Scheme's Finds Liaison Officer for Leicestershire & Rutland.
Leicestershire’s digital archives can be viewed via the Leicestershire Museums ADS homepage