Symington Collection

1899/1900 Busk front corset. Khaki drill lined white twill and interlined with hessian. There is no boning in this corset except for tempered flat steels to support the back lacing. It has strong, eight ply, string cording vertically and across the hips. The spoon busk has a wide steel support underneath which was known as a double busk.
The wholesale price of this corset was 16/3d per dozen.
Waist 21” Depth 14”

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c1890 Busk front corset typical of the beautifully designed styles of this period. In black lasting lined with white twill. Features flexible corded hips and an intricate boning system involving forty-two cane strips and four tempered steels down the back lacing. Long spoon busk.
The cane boning allowed decorative stitching to be accomplished by the recently invented embroidery machine. A skilled operative could safely pierce the cane strips without needle damage.
The original sample ticket on the corset quotes the price of 20/6d per dozen.
Waist 20" Depth 14"

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Symington's started manufacturing swimwear from the 1930s and by the 1950s they were using their corsetry skills to offer the same support and shape from their swimsuit as they did in their corsetry.
This swimsuit was designed by Symington's for a specialist house it is made from spun Rayon with an orchid print and ruching from the mid-riff and a loose fitting top tied at the centre front.
Date 1953 Pin on Pinterest

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