The archive holds a selection of accessories including hats, handbags and shoes from the 1800s through to the present day.

George Cox was established in 1906 making just two styles of shoes, as the business grew more members of the Cox family began working for the company. By 1949 a new style 'The Hamilton', named after George Hamilton Cox, the son of George Cox was introduced. It had a distinctive natural 'plantation crepe' sole and was dubbed the 'brothel creeper'. It was not long before these shoes became the chosen footwear of Britain's first mass-youth cult, the Teddy Boys.
Men's suede brothel creepers, labelled 'Jubilee Rock' by George Cox Footwear Ltd.
Date: 1970s
Reticule's or drawstring bags became popular in the early 1800s when the fashion for slim dresses made the wearing of pockets, a flat bag that was tied around the waist and worn under the skirt impossible without being seen. Access to the pocket was through an opening in the skirt. Little bags like this one allowed the owner to carry her personal items around with her without destroying the line of her dress. They came in various shapes and sizes and are well represented within our collections.
Woman's hand knitted reticule. Drawstring of silk cord chenille and silk tassel.
Date: 1860-70

'Waddington's Topper' cream leather motorcycling helmet with a cork lining for added shock proof protection.
The wearing of any kind of protective headwear whilst riding a motorcycle was not wide spread until after 1935 and the death of the British solider, diplomat and Arabian adventurer, T.E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). Lawrence died of head injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident near his Dorset home. It is thanks to the initial efforts and research of a young doctor who attended Lawrence, Hugh Cairns that the crash helmet of today has saved so many lives.
Date: Mid 1950s-1960s.